NodeJS JokeBot

Alastair Montgomery
1 min readDec 15, 2023


Learning Node JS

I’ve started playing about with Node JS to learn it enough to modify some legacy Lambda code.

One of the tasks I set myself was to write a Joke bot for Mastodon, which work out to be fairly easy with a couple of packages got and masto.

Dad Joke Bot the code is only 32 lines long, looking to expand it to be able to post images as well.

import { createRestAPIClient } from "masto";
import got from "got";

function getJoke(apiUrl){
got.get(apiUrl, { responseType: 'json' })
.then(response => {
// If the request is successful, parse the response body as a JSON object
const data = response.body;
// console.log("Data Response,",data);
.catch(error => {
// If the request fails, print out the error message

async function post(myJoke){
const newStatus = myJoke + " #dadjoke"
console.log("Post Joke,",myJoke);
const masto = createRestAPIClient({
url: process.env.URL,
accessToken: process.env.TOKEN,
const status = await masto.v1.statuses.create({
status: newStatus,
visibility: "public",


The resulting posts end up here, I ended up running it via a Docker image with crontab.

